CASA VALLE REAL, Guadalajara, México.
 Is a residential house located in the Valle Real neighborhood, in Guadalajara, Mexico. The project starts from the idea of achieving the maximum transparency and visual relief towards the dense wooded area that adjoins the back of the property. Like
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CASA VALLE REAL, Guadalajara, México.
CASA VALLE REAL, Guadalajara, México.

Es una casa residencial ubicada en la colonia Valle Real, en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.  El proyecto parte de la idea de lograr la maxima transparencia y desahogo visual hacia la densa zona arbolada que colinda con la parte posterior del predio. Igualmente, se pretende conservar un tanto de privacidad y discreción al frente, hacia la calle. Esto se logro no solo por la distribución y orientación de sus espacios principales hacía la amplitud y transparencia de la fachada posterior si no también al organizar el interior alrededor de un espacio a doble altura que alberga además de la escalera principal, un árbol cuya presencia embellece y da vida a este espacio mientras hace eco a la importancia de los arboles vecinos. Así las circulaciones de la casa tanto en planta alta como en planta baja desahogan hacía el espacio del árbol interior mientras sus espacios principales se dirigen y respiran hacía la zona arbolada posterior.

 Is a residential house located in the Valle Real neighborhood, in Guadalajara, Mexico. The project starts from the idea of achieving the maximum transparency and visual relief towards the dense wooded area that adjoins the back of the property. Like

Is a residential house located in the Valle Real neighborhood, in Guadalajara, Mexico. The project starts from the idea of achieving the maximum transparency and visual relief towards the dense wooded area that adjoins the back of the property. Likewise, it is intended to preserve some privacy and discretion in front, towards the street. This was achieved not only by the distribution and orientation of its main spaces towards the transparency of the back façade but also by organizing the interior around a double height space that embraces the main staircase and an indoor tree who's presence embellishes the space as it echoes the importance of the neighbouring trees. Thus the circulations of the house both upstairs and downstairs open and breath into the space of the inner tree while its main spaces are directed and flow towards the wooded area on the back.

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